Ashley Wilkerson is a trauma-informed consultant, meditation teacher, certified mindfulness and wellness practitioner who specializes in holding space, activating joy, grief and stress management, and healing through the creative arts. She completed her Atma Yoga Meditation Teacher Training at Tree South LA, and received her Mindfulness Trainings from Deer Park Monastery founded by Thich Nhat Hanh. Ashley is a survivor and a vessel. Her keen intuition and "positive energy" has brought comfort to many. She has shared her expertise through many in- person classes, workshops, and various digital platforms such as: All Def Digital, ATTN, and Facebook. She has presented and offered services at Crenshaw Remembers: Getty 25, the Black in Design Conference at Harvard University, The Movement for Black Lives, California Wellness Foundation, Alliance For Safety & Justice, Revolve Impact, 72andSunny, The Tree, Kaos Network, The Dallas Meditation Center, National Performance Network, etc. Ashley worked as a consultant and lead wellness coordinator for CSSJ’s Survivors Speak Tampa, and was a principal member of Zeal Wellness offering consulting and individual services to individual and groups in the non profit sector. In honor of her murdered brother John-John, she founded Brother Breathe, a wellness initiative designed for Black boys and men seeking peace. Ashley currently sits on the board of the Dallas Meditation Center.